To understand the relationship between a quality design and a safe design and that safety and safe operation cannot be achieved without having the confidence that the required level of quality has been achieved. To reinforce that the quality of a product or a design and its safety and safe operation is defined in the drawings and specifications that define that product or design. To gain an appreciation that those structures, systems (MEP) and components that most impact safety and quality should be identified and be under the Quality Assurance Program to a level consistent with their importance to safety. To emphasize the importance to assure that the applicable drawing requirements for structures, systems and components under the Quality Assurance Program are correctly translated into design documents including drawings, specifications, procedure and instructions to assure they perform safely and satisfactorily in service. To understand the purpose of a design review to verify the design meets all functional and operational requirements including accessibility, energy efficiency and MEP requirements; material selection is appropriate and compatible; safety considerations have been addressed; environmental conditions have been included; and if the design can be constructed. To appreciate the importance of establishing design control measures to be applied to stress, thermal, hydraulic analyses; compatibility of materials, accessibility for inservice inspection, maintenance and repair to assure safety and quality. To understand the importance of applying the correct codes, standards and regulations to the design.