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Titan home study courses will be mailed to you within one business day of receiving your order. Each course is accompanied with a quiz that must be completed and submitted to Titan via mail, fax or email for credit. Upon completion of home study courses, Titan will send you your certificate.
Home Study Course Books / Engineers
Title: NEC FAQs
Author: Roger Messenger
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Nuclear Power Plants: What Makes Them Safe?
Author: Howard Sobel
Hours: 4
(4 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Nuclear Power: Making A Comeback?
Author: Howard Sobel
Hours: 4
(4 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Nuclear Power: What Great Promise, What Went Wrong?
Author: Howard Sobel
Hours: 5
(5 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $150.00
Title: Ocean Energy Technology: A Renewable Power Source
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Offshore Wind Energy Strategies
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 4
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technologies
Author: US Department of Energy
Hours: 6
(6 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $175.00
Title: Open Channel Flow Part I: The Manning Equation and Uniform Flow
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Open Channel Flow Part II: Hydraulic Jumps, Supercritical Flow & Non-Uniform Flow
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Open Channel Flow Part III: Sharp Crested Weirs
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: OSHA - Asbestos Standard for Construction Industry
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: OSHA - Controlling Electrical Hazards in the Workplace
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: OSHA Guide for Protecting Roofing Workers
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Panama Canal History & Expansion
Author: Jack MacGiffert
Hours: 4
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Passive Solar Heating Basics
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Pedestrian Safety
Author: Debra Kennaugh, PE
Hours: 3
(3 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Personal Protective Equipment in Construction
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Pipe Flow Calculations Part I - Friction Factor Calculations with Excel
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Pipe Flow Calculations Part II - Partially Full Pipe Flow Calculations
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Pipe Flow Measurement
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Practical Electrical Problems and Solutions
Author: Roger Messenger
Hours: 7
(7 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $200.00
Title: Practicing Ethics: Examining Case Studies
Author: Robert Clewis
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Premade Components for Expedition and Ease
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Preventing Wrong-Way Driving on Freeways
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 4
(4 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Principles of Organizational Communication
Author: Heather Otlewski
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Professional Ethics for Engineers
Author: Robert Clewis
Hours: 3
(3 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Professional Ethics: Determining Negligence in Engineering Failures
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Project Management - Advanced Techniques
Author: Dom Perrotta
Hours: 3
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Project Management - Be A Successful Project Manager
Author: Randy Klein
Hours: 4
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Project Management Fundamentals
Author: Jack MacGiffert
Hours: 3
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Prototypes and the Art of Reproduction
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Quality Assurance: Focus On Design Control
Author: Howard Sobel
Hours: 4
(4 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Rainwater Harvesting
Author: Allen Hughes
Hours: 4
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Rational Method Hydrological Calculations
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Reading and Interpreting Construction Specifications and Plans
Author: James Thompson
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Recent Developments in Renewable Energy Research (NREL) - Part I
Author: US Department of Energy
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Recent Developments in Renewable Energy Research (NREL) - Part II
Author: US Department of Energy
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Recent Developments in Renewable Energy Research (NREL) - Part III
Author: US Department of Energy
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Relocating a Welding Robot - a project management case study
Author: James Thompson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Residential Green Building: Residential Design, Construction and Accreditation
Author: Andrew Manzini
Hours: 4
(4 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Residential Green Remodeling: Design, Construction and Certification
Author: Andrew Manzini
Hours: 5
(5 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $150.00
Title: Responding to Radon
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Road Diet
Author: Debra Kennaugh, PE
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Roadway Geometric Design Part I - Functions, Controls & Alignments
Author: Gregory Taylor
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Roadway Geometric Design Part II - Cross-sections and Road Types
Author: Gregory Taylor
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Roadway Geometric Design Part III - Intersections & Interchanges
Author: Gregory Taylor
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Roadway Horizontal Alignments
Author: Gregory Taylor
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Roadway Intersection Geometric Design
Author: Gregory Taylor
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Roadway Lighting Design
Author: Debra Kennaugh, PE
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Roadway Vertical Alignments
Author: Gregory Taylor
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Self-Driving Cars: What Can We Realistically Expect?
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 4
Course Fee: $125.00
Title: Sexual Harassment in the Building Trades
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Signalization Design
Author: Debra Kennaugh, PE
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Solar Energy Introduction
Author: Harlan Bengtson
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Solid Waste Landfill
Author: M. A. Karim
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Solutions for Sustainability
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Solving Difficult Problems
Author: James Thompson
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Sound Advice for Acoustics
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 5
(5 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $150.00
Title: Speaking of Older Buildings
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 3
(3 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Stainless Steel
Author: James Thompson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Standard Fire Resistance Design of Structures
Author: Kevin LaMalva, PE
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Starting From the Bottom
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 3
(3 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Strategic Planning
Author: Jack MacGiffert
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Structural Fire Design
Author: Kevin LaMalva, PE
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Supply Chain Management
Author: Megan Anderson
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Texas Engineering Practice Act and Rules Ch. 137
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Texas Engineering Practice Act and Rules Ch. 139
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: The First Steps: Foundations for the Coming Project
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: The Ford Pinto Exploding Gas Tank: A Case Study in Professional Ethics
Author: Robert Clewis
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: The Manhattan Project
Author: Dom Perrotta
Hours: 3
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: The Potential for Electrons to Molecules Using Solar Energy
Author: US Department of Energy
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: The Role of Concentrating Solar-Thermal Technologies (NREL)
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 3
(3 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Three Ways to Murder Fire
Author: Paul Spite
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Total Building Commissioning
Author: Jack MacGiffert
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Traffic Calming Design
Author: Debra Kennaugh, PE
Hours: 1
(1 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Understanding Electricity and Electrical Components
Author: Roger Messenger
Hours: 5
(5 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $150.00
Title: Understanding Electricity and Electrical Components - Part 2
Author: Roger Messenger
Hours: 7
Course Fee: $200.00
Title: Understanding the Economic Benefits of Going Green
Author: Roger Messenger
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Using Solar Photovoltaics in Transportation
Author: Mark Rossow
Hours: 3
(3 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Waste Water Treatment - Sequential Batch Reactors
Author: James Thompson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Water Quality Control
Author: Jack MacGiffert
Hours: 6
(6 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $175.00
Title: Wiring Methods and Materials
Author: James Thompson
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Wood - A Guide to Preservation
Author: US Department of Agriculture
Hours: 3
Course Fee: $100.00
Title: Wood - A Guide to Specialty Treatments
Author: Allen Hughes
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Wood - A Guide to Use in Buildings and Bridges
Author: Allen Hughes
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00
Title: Wood - Adhesive Bond Formation and Performance
Author: Allen Hughes
Hours: 2
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Wood - Fire Safety in Construction
Author: Allen Hughes
Hours: 2
(2 HSW Hours)
Course Fee: $65.00
Title: Wood - Structural Analysis Equations
Author: Allen Hughes
Hours: 1
Course Fee: $35.00